Friday 17 May 2013

All By Myself

All By Myself

Mother bird had laid four pretty little eggs. Every day and every night she gave them love and warmth, until one morning, one of the eggs hatched, and out popped mother bird’s first chick.

“Hello mummy!” he said, looking up at her with his big brown eyes.

“Well, hello little one!” smiled his mother as she straightened his feathers and kissed his head.

He looked around then said, “I’m the first! I will help you look after the other eggs.”

 “That’s very kind of you,” his mother replied. “I will need your help. But first you must learn how to fly.”

So, mother bird showed the chick what to do and in no time at all, he was able to lift himself into the air. With a bit more practice he was soon flying in circles around his mother’s head until eventually she said, “I believe you are ready to leave the nest and explore the forest by yourself.”

“BY MYSELF!” cried the chick. “I can’t go by myself. I need you with me mummy!”

“But I can’t go with you. I have to stay here and look after the eggs. But I’ll be here waiting for you when you get back.”

The chick’s beak started to tremble, his eyes filled with tears, and then he started to cry. “WAAAAAAA!”

Mother bird didn’t know what to do. She hated to see her son so sad, but she dreaded the thought of leaving her eggs alone. The chick cried and cried.

Finally, she said, “OK, I’ll come with you. But just this once, okay?”

“Okay!” said the chick happily and grabbed her wing.

They stood on the edge of the nest as mother bird took a nervous last look at her eggs. Then with a flap, flap, hop, they were out of the nest and soaring up into the sky.

Little did mother bird know, but from out of the shadows, a hungry snake was making its way towards the nest in search of his lunch. Mother bird spotted it out of the corner of her eye, just before the snake was about to strike. In an instant she was back, pecking and scratching at the snake with all her strength until it slithered away.

“Oh my!” she screamed. “That was too close! I will never leave you again my precious eggs. I’m so sorry!”

Then, she settled back down onto the eggs, and as a tear rolled down her cheek, the chick promised himself that he would go alone next time.

The next day mother bird told the chick that they needed some grass and twigs to fix a hole in the nest.

 “Okay, let’s go!” chirped the chick.

 “Oh no, I’m not going,” said his mother. I have to stay here and look after the eggs. Please go by yourself.”

The chick’s face dropped. “BY MYSELF!” he cried. “I can’t go by myself! I need you with me mummy!” His beak started to tremble, his eyes filled with tears, and then he started to cry. “WAAAAAAA!”

His wails drew attention from other birds in the nearby trees, so out of embarrassment mother bird said, “Okay, okay, I’ll go with you. But this is definitely the last time. Do you understand?”

 “Oh yes!” the chick cried, and he grabbed her wing quickly.

They stood on the edge of the nest as mother bird took a nervous last look at her eggs. Then with a flap, flap, hop, they were out of the nest and gliding over the land below.

But while they were away, a hungry hawk came hovering over the tree, eyeing up the eggs for his lunch. Mother bird caught sight of the hawk just in time, and in a heartbeat was back, pecking and scratching at the hawk with all her might, until it gave up and flew away.

 “Oh my! Oh my!” she gasped. “How could I have left you again my precious eggs. I am so, so sorry!”

With a sigh, she settled back down onto the eggs, and as a tear rolled down her cheek the chick promised himself that he really would go alone next time.

The days passed and the chick grew, but the other eggs still had not hatched. Mother bird was worried and hungry, so she asked the chick to go and find some tasty worms and grubs.

“By myself?” asked the chick nervously.

“Of course,” replied his mother. “I have to stay here and look after the eggs.”

The chick took a deep breath, held up his chin and stuck out his chest. “Okay mummy!” he said bravely. “I’ll go by myself!”

 He stood on the edge of the nest and took a nervous last look at his mother. She smiled back proudly. Then with a flap, flap, hop, the chick….. STOPPED! His beak started to tremble, his eyes filled with tears, and then he started to cry. “WAAAAAA!  I can’t go by myself! I need you with me mummy!”

The chick felt awful. He really did want to go by himself, to be brave and strong and to help his mother. But he just couldn’t. He cried and he cried.

Mother bird wiped the tears from his face, stood up, and took his wing in hers. They stood on the edge of the nest as mother bird took a nervous last look at her eggs. Then with a flap, flap, hop, they were out of the nest and floating down towards the ground.

But, as they were busy looking for worms and grubs, a hungry rat came sneaking towards the nest looking for his lunch. Mummy bird spotted it just in time and in a flash was back, pecking and scratching at the rat with all her heart, until it scurried away as fast as it could.

Mummy bird was angry this time. “THAT IS IT!” she screamed. “I am not leaving these eggs again!”

Then with a huff she plonked herself back down onto the eggs, and that’s where she stayed.

The days passed and the chick grew. He grew into a fine little bird, and the eggs hatched into three fluffy little brothers and sisters for the chick. The chick was so proud of them. He felt he could do anything for them. He looked at his mother. She looked tired and he so wanted to do something nice for her. So, he decided that he would go and find her some sweet, juicy berries to eat.

The thought of leaving the nest alone scared him cold, but he knew he had to do it. He just had to!

He took a deep breath, held up his chin, stuck out his chest and said, “Mother, I want to leave the nest for a while.”

His mother stood up wearily and reached for his wing.

 “Oh, no mother. You don’t need to come. I’m going by ALL BY MYSELF!”

Mother bird’s face lit up. “Really? Will you really my darling son?”

“Yes mother. It is time.”

And with that the chick stepped up onto the edge of the nest. He took a nervous last look at his mother and at the three fluffy chicks staring proudly at their brother. Then with a flap, flap, hop….. he was out of the nest and soaring through the forest, all by himself!

   And from that day forward, that brave little bird didn’t need his mother’s wing, ever again.

                                                               The End

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